Come to Dodson’s Jewelry & see my glass art!

My work will on display through the month of December so plenty of time for Christmas Shopping!  It has been awhile since I last was on my website and so much has happened! The Gallery in Walla Walla, Kingfisher Frame and Gallery has been actively involved in promoting my glass and jewelry. Haven’t made much jewelry this past year, although I find myself yearning to do a nice piece or two.

I made a new glass piece,2016-allium-standing-glass-12%22x19%22-600-2 Allium, which are tall big headed purple flowers and it sold almost immediately….and went to a very special home, I might add. I also just sold, from my website, the Autumn Leaf which is absolutely gorgeous.  I am sending it out today to California.

My husband, Roger, just had a knee replacement 3 weeks ago so haven’t been able to spend much time in my studio.  Ideas do pile up, though, just like everything else.  We also have a new great granddaughter, who lives in Ephrata, WA.  Close enough to pop in once in a while but I have discovered FaceTime which has been an exciting experience!


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